Sunday, July 24, 2011

Trees & Clouds & bio-precipitation

Trees & Clouds

dt 24th July 2011.

When we think of Trees  and Clouds we mainly  think it is Clouds give Rain water to Trees- but the Hydrological cycle is a far more complex and a connected system in our universe. 


Most often we just think of the rain cloud process as just earth and the air mass being heated by sun, sea water evaporation, convectional currents, air masses  circulation and finally returning to earth as droplets of Rain..but-read on:

1. Trees give microscopic nuclei for Cloud formations too.

2.All major Rain forests have dense Cloud formation above them as so much research has gone into this esp Amazon Forest 


 pic taken at Kailash Giri at Vizag-

3.On Bio-precipitation-see at site below- -


Did you know that trees contribute to releasing microscopic nuclei needed for cloud formation? Over major tropical rainforests across the world one finds rather dense cloud formations. Clouds are formed by water vapor condensing around these microscopic nuclei. Trees increase the water vapor content of the air significantly - approximately 50% of all transpiration comes from forests. Plants and leaf surface are naturally colonized by micro-organisms or bacteria , also called epiphytes, whose surface properties give them the possibility to interact with atmospheric water, helping it to condense (form clouds) and to freeze (form rain). These micro-organisms get into the atmosphere through turbulent movements linked to heat flux. Clouds, in turn, have a high albedo effect, which means they reflect the sun's radiation back into space. The more low altitude clouds created through this natural system, the faster we could potentially cool our planet. There is a lot of research being conducted around this space at the moment, and looks to be very promising for our climate issues.


  1. very interesting with wonderful illustrations!

  2. Great blog Sri Trikannad Raj. The concept of nature in everyday life is inspiring. I also liked your post ShreeMahashivratri 2nd March. It was great to understand the significance of Bilva tree.

    Thanks & Regards
