Pongam tree--Leaf Galls-& Symbiotic Harmony- I saw this first time on an Oudamber tree in March 2011 at Mangalore in the temple. Now on the Pongam Tree on our Road also- See earlier blog posts
It can seem a bit worrying-and so I sought all resources to check it out. Finally, learnt that in the "Symbiotic Relationship" in nature -esp Insects like Wasps & Bees --with TREES there is an Interdependance that is quite marvellous to see - Anyway Leaf Galls are harmless-
Read this-from Steve -in Forestry About.com. TREES-Leaf infections called "galls" are growths not harmful— Rgds TR
Leaf infections called "galls" are bumps or growths caused as a result of the feeding and other activity of insects or mites. Powerful growth regulating chemicals produced by feeding insects or mites cause galls can occur on leaves, bark, flowers, buds, acorns, or roots. Although these galls may look like a serious problem, most are harmless to the overall health of the tree. From Steve Nix- Forestry Guide-
Leaf Galls-& Symbiotic Harmony-pic no 1, 2,3: Anyway Leaf Galls are harmless- Read this more in detail, from Steve -in Forestry About.com. TREES-Leaf infections called "galls" are growths not harmful—
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